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Book of condolence Victor Steeman

Victor Steeman passed away on Tuesday, 11th October in the hospital in Faro at the age of just 22. In the Portuguese hospital, the WorldSSP300 racer succumbed to his injuries which he had sustained three days earlier in a crash at the Autodromo Internacional do Algarve.

Victor Steeman (*15-06-2000 – †11-10-2022)
The motorcycle racing world is deeply shocked by the death of Victor Steeman. A young and talented racer who lost his life doing what he loved most, while taking part in the sport he loved, a sport in which he had already achieved much success in his young life.

Many people around the world, as well as the people who knew Victor well sympathised so deeply with the Steeman family, who issued the following statement after the death of their beloved son:

“Something you have always been afraid of as a parent of a motorcycle racer has now happened. Our Victor could not win this last race. Despite the unbearable loss and grief, we are extremely proud to share with you that our hero, through his passing, was able to save 5 other people by donating his organs. We would like to thank everyone for the way you have lived with us over the past few days. We will miss our Victor enormously.”

Over the past few days, the editorial team at Racesport.nl have had tens, hundreds of messages inquiring about sending cards to the Steeman family, how to offer condolences, and the time of the funeral.

In consultation with Victor’s family, the following:

At this moment, preparations are being made to transport Victor’s body from Portugal to The Netherlands. How long this will take is not yet know at this time.

The Steeman family has decided to have a private funeral with small and closed group of family and friends, and to grieve the loss of their son privately. We would like to take this opportunity to urgently and politely request everyone to respect this request.

To allow everyone an opportunity to share their sadness and to send the Steeman family their condolences and best wishes in these dark and difficult times, Racesport.nl has decided, in consultation with the family, to open an online book of condolences at memori.nl, a place where you can share your grief online and leave a message for the family.

Condoleanceregister Victor Steeman: www.memori.nl

(For non-Dutch speakers: click on the blue square labelled “Kaarsje aansteken” to light a virtual candle for Victor. Click on one of the green squares – such as ‘woorden’ for words – to leave a message, photo, poem, piece of music, a video clip, or a quote.)

As well as this condolence book, you can also send a personal card to the family. You can send these to the following address:

PostNL kantoor Staphorst
Ter herinnering aan Victor Steeman
Markt 2
7951 HR Staphorst
The Netherlands

The Racesport.nl editorial will collect and collate the cards and other gifts sent and pass these on at a more appropriate moment to the family.

Special Sticker
The MTM Kawasaki Racing Team has also designed a special memorial sticker. This sticker will be appearing on a number of bikes at the Australian Grand Prix at Phillip Island this weekend, and at the WorldSBK round in Argentina a week later.

By popular request, you can also download the image using the link below. You can use this image as a temporary profile photo on social media, for example. It would be a wonderful gesture for as many motorcycle racing fans as possible to do this as a tribute to Victor.

Download one of the two images below by right-clicking with your mouse and choosing, ‘Save as…’


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